ep. 45 - Marlon Peterson: Prisoner Turned Distinguished Social & Criminal Justice Advocate


Marlon Peterson was honored by Ebony Magazine as one of America's 100 most influential and inspiring leaders in the Black community. He is also an Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar, and Fall 2016 TED Resident. Marlon is the founder and chief re-imaginator of The Precedential Group, a social justice consulting firm, and a 2015 recipient of the prestigious Soros Justice Fellowship. Marlon spent his entire 20's in New York State prisons. Since his release his work has focused in the following areas: youth development, violence prevention, criminal justice, race & gender justice.


ep. 45 - Marlon Peterson: Prisoner Turned Distinguished Social & Criminal Justice Advocate

(Transcript Coming Soon)

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ep. 45 - Marlon Peterson: Prisoner Turned Distinguished Social & Criminal Justice Advocate by GDA Podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
