ep. 46 - Jason Hewlett: Speaker, Entertainer, Author, & Impressionist

jason hewlett


Jason Hewlett’s speaking career began following the performance of his popular One-Man Show at a corporate event. The client was so impressed with the powerful messaging Jason included in his act that he was asked to be the keynote speaker for their Management & Leadership Conference the following year. Jason’s customized presentation and content, combined with music and comedy, was so well received it has turned into multiple speeches for nationwide clients.

While Jason has received awards in the arts and entertainment industry, he has been hired for some of the largest corporate events in the world. His reputation has transformed from someone who delivers an incredible, standing ovation show worthy of Las Vegas praise, AND a keynote speaker sharing practical business principles applicable for leadership, entrepreneurship, and cultural impact.


ep. 46 - Jason Hewlett: Speaker, Entertainer, Author, & Impressionist

Gail Davis: Today's guest at GDA podcast is Jason Hewlett, keynote speaker and entertainer. Jason has performed in every major casino in Las Vegas, and he is the multiyear winner of the Best of State awards in arts [00:01:00] and entertainment in his home state of Utah. His aim is to bring joy to your life. Most recently, he was inducted as one of the youngest inductees to the Speaker Hall of Fame. Please join us today as we welcome Jason to the GDA podcast.

Kyle Davis: Hey, Jason. How are you?

Jason Hewlett: Hey, I'm awesome, you guys. Thanks for having me. This is cool.

Kyle Davis: Well, we're happy to have you on.

Gail Davis: It's great. I know, Jason, you have such a long wonderful [00:01:30] background as an entertainer and can do some impersonations which I definitely want to talk about and maybe get a sneak peek on some of those. Recently, you've really shifted more towards focusing on keynote speaking. I was really drawn to your website where it talks about it's all about the engagement, employee engagement, work-home relationships, embracing change. Maybe you could just spend a little time talking to our listeners about what your real focus is on your content [00:02:00] regarding engagement.

Jason Hewlett: Well, I appreciate it very much. You know, I'm honored to be here with you guys. I love so much the idea of getting up in front of an audience and giving them a show experience within a message experience as well. They're learning through laughing, and while I'm entertaining and doing musical impressions and comedy, I'm also teaching this concept called the promise, the engagement experience. A lot of people think that sounds like a Hallmark [00:02:30] card, but really, what it is is it translates into business with the three promises we keep. One with our audience, one with the family and one with the one. The audience is our client, our customer. I utilize performers as our flag point as to who is able to be a great performer. I use, for example, Michael Jackson. I'll say, "What kind of promise did Michael Jackson keep when he was performing? He always did his [00:03:00] signature move, the moonwalk."

Gail Davis: Right.

Jason Hewlett: "If he didn't do it, you'd be upset. Have you ever been to a concert where your artist that you're watching didn't sing their hits? You'd be very disappointed in that show. In what way does that translate into your business? What are the signature moves that you have in your business, and how do you keep that promise to your audience, because we're all performers?" Then, from there, instead of calling the people on your team your team, I'd call it a family, because that translates [00:03:30] back and forth between the family at work and the family at home. Then finally, the final principle is the one. Some people might translate that as a higher power or somebody they're working to really assist in their life. In the case of a corporate event where I'm speaking to leaders and CEOs and those types. I would say, "The one is you, because you can keep promises to all kinds of people. Your audience, the family, but most often, we break promises with ourselves. [00:04:00] What promises are we breaking or keeping with ourselves today?"

Obviously, within this keynote, I'm doing musical, musical voices of Louis Armstrong or like I say, Michael Jackson and to illustrate the point. Then sharing my signature moves of doing my funny faces that obviously don't work on this podcast. I guess they'll have to check me out somewhere else, but I have a lot of signature moves that I use that most people would be afraid to share [00:04:30] because mine are very odd, but I say, "Mine are weird. You know, you have talents I don't have, and I have talents you don't want so use yours." That's what it is. It's fun.

Gail Davis: That's awesome.

Kyle Davis: Talents I don't want. I know. I have plenty of those as well. The incessant ability to talk way too much is one of them.

Jason Hewlett: Me too.

Kyle Davis: You know, it's funny because prior to going to record, we were talking, you know, my mom gave me a nudge about breaking a promise to myself about the diet that I tried to keep, [00:05:00] giving me grief over my Easter basket that I had and whatever. It was planned, but when you're giving that talk and you're talking about the one and the promises that people are trying to keep to themselves, I mean, you know, what are you trying to hit home at with that?

Jason Hewlett: Well, I utilize a story that goes way back probably to 2004. I was an entertainer doing very well. Las Vegas was calling. I was, at first, a Ricky Martin impersonator then an Elton John impersonator. [00:05:30] I was with The Legends in concert, the top impersonator company in the world. Then, after a while, I was like, "Man, I have a hundred other voices I can do." I saw a guy named Danny Gans who shifted everything in my mind as to what I wanted to create as a showman. I created a show that was family-friendly and clean and great and that got standing ovations everywhere at the beginning of my career. By 2004, I was offered a casino offer by the same people that brought Gans to Vegas. [00:06:00] Most people know that Danny signed a hundred-million-dollar deal to get started. This was a significant offer for me to have an opportunity like this, but these people that I was working with, they wanted to manage both my material and my career for the rest of my life. I didn't want to do, for their audience, what they wanted me to do for them.

Because we couldn't come to an agreement, I had to keep a promise [00:06:30] to myself to not go that direction, even though the offer was on the table to do whatever I wanted. To become famous or rich or all of those things. When I illustrate the concept of keeping a promise to ourself, what is it that we're willing to walk away from? What is it that we're willing to shoot for in our life, in our goals? A different level of goal is a promise, so what I like to say is that, "Why set a goal when you can make [00:07:00] a promise?" Goals are particulars, but a promise is a proclamation. Goals are the steppingstone to the top of the promise mountain, if you will. I like that language because if we shift from a simple goal that has ... You know, we break goals all the time with ourselves. We're like, "Oh, I missed that goal," and we laugh.

If I say, "How is your new year's resolutions?" They go, "Oh, I don't do goals anymore." Okay. Well, what about if you break a promise, that's a problem. [00:07:30] Keeping a promise to the one to ourself is all about, "What do we truly want out of our life? What really helps us be meaningful?" That's a powerful principle, especially for those leaders that are sitting there thinking, "Hmm, what are the things that I do everyday that are small promised breaks that potentially lead to the things that could affect my business as a whole or my family?"

Kyle Davis: You know, one of the things that comes to my mind is a very commonly-used phrase, [00:08:00] just to say it anyways, but not everything that glitters is gold. I'm reminded of that because, you know, VH1 doesn't really do this anymore, but behind the music of all these boy bands in the 90's that signed these ridiculous contracts where they were supposedly going to be paid millions of dollars. Just like what you said there, their material, their likeness, their band name, their music, everything was going to be owned by somebody else for the rest of their life. It's very unique to hear somebody like [00:08:30] yourself who actually caught it versus being blinded by huge sums of money.

Jason Hewlett: Well, I've been blinded by other things, and that's happened to me as well. I mean, hey, I'm not perfect. I mean to be honest, there's no way I wasn't sitting at that table, looking at this offer and thinking, "This is a simple decision." I mean my wife and I are sitting there with really not much money. I had a couple corporate dates lined up and I thought, "Well, this would change our life." I mean I considered it. Then, I thought about [00:09:00] the ramifications of Legacy and what was I passing on to my children that I might someday have? Now that I have four kids, and we have 11, 10, 9 and 5-year-olds and I look at them, and I think, "I'm glad I kept that promise in foresight of potentially being this father that would ask them to also do the same." That means a lot to be able to, you know, be congruent on and off the stage because that's keeping the promise the audience and yourself, [00:09:30] I feel.

Kyle Davis: Let's go back in time just a little bit. I'm just curious, how did you get into the game of impersonating? I mean heck, when I was a kid, I used to do Ross Perot, but that's not here nor there, so you tell me.

Jason Hewlett: You're funny. I mean I should book you, man. What am I doing here?

Kyle Davis: You know, it's a pretty salient time, the 1992 Dallas and my mom having to work for him, so you know. I was required, but other [00:10:00] than that ...

Gail Davis: I totally forgot about that. That's awesome.

Jason Hewlett: Of course she was booking him. That's perfect. I love it. Here's how it got started. Kyle, you can understand this as a young man. I mean when you're growing up, the way to make people laugh is making fun of either your teacher or your friends, doing their voices, making their faces. I just had this uncanny knack for being able to make people laugh that way. I found out early on that this wasn't just something [00:10:30] that was funny. It was something that could get me elected to be the Student Body President. It could get me better grades. It could win me a date with the girl that I had no reason to try to be in her league. I learned early on that I did not have much going for me. School made no sense. You know, english, math, history, science, none of that really worked for me, but making people smile through doing something that was familiar [00:11:00] did. I worked very had at that.

My first real impression that I recall doing was Pee-wee Herman. I was like a mid-80's kid. Pee-wee was the big star. If I was quiet for the whole day in third grade, I had a teacher who was like, "If you're quiet for a whole day, you can come up and do a show at the end." I mean it took me two months to get there, but finally, after two months, I came up in front of the class. I'm like, "hah aha. He he he, huh, huh. [00:11:30] Hi, everybody. Pee-wee Herman here. Huh, he he he." He's okay. That's actually not allowed at the school, you know. Then, he said, "Do some of the other funny stuff you're working on."

I've been working on Mickey and Donald and Goofy like the voices of my childhood. You know, "Oh, boy. Hi, everybody. Mickey Mouse here. Where's Goofy?" "Oh, ho, ho, ho, yes. Gosh, Mickey. Where's Donald?" Everybody's busting up. I'm going, "What is this? [00:12:00] This is the thing I've got. This is what I'm good at." It wasn't until I moved to Brazil from 19 to 21 to do some service for my church that I found out that this wasn't just rare for a Utah kid. It was rare for anyone in the world to be able to do these things with my voice, my face. When I came home after that church service, I've never had a real job since. I had just been making people laugh and make them think in a different way through those voices. [00:12:30] Pretty cool.

Kyle Davis: I get the whole talking impersonating. When did you find your voice? When were you able to do singing impersonations, whether it be Ricky Martin or Elton John or the like?

Jason Hewlett: Oh, yes. That's actually a funny story too because I was walking down the hall. Maybe I was a sophomore or a junior in high school. I thought I was going to become a basketball player in the NBA. That was my goal. Then, I was singing in the hall [00:13:00] one day, just messing around. I was singing, I think, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, you know? (singing) All of a sudden, the door to the quiet room flew open, and this lady goes, "Who's singing in the hall?" She was the choir teacher. She said, "Why aren't you on the choir?" She was from Wales, so she had this accent. "Why aren't you in the choir?" I said, "Well, I don't sing." [00:13:30] She said, "Yes, you do. Come into my classroom." I went into her classroom, and she said, "Do some of your singing." I said, "Well, I only know one song all the way through, and it was Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song." That was my audition.

I was like, "Christmas, Christmas, time is near. Time for times and time for tea. Ha ha ha ha." She goes, "That's not normal, but what a gift." [00:14:00] She literally took me out of every class she felt I no longer needed. She took me out of math and science and put me in men's choir, women's choir, mixed choir, everything to stretch my voice, to push this vehicle that she had just found. It was like a Lamborghini, but was in a toy car race. She turned me into this juggernaut singer who ... You know, I've been awarded for my [00:14:30] vocalization and my ability with this instrument. I almost have a five-octave range. It's this bizarre gift that she discovered it as a mentor.

I talk about her and I talk about the promise. It's that what kind of mentor are you? Do you recognize the gifts of others around you? What kind of promise do you keep as the mentor? Yes, that's the funny story about Mrs. [Hall 00:14:54], the choir teacher, helping me discover these voices. When she found out I could Alvin and the Chipmunks, she said, [00:15:00] "Well, if you can do it up there that high, how low can you go?" It was this effort to try to see if I could do Louis Armstrong or Johnny Cash or these, you know. (singing) She goes, "Well, that's very good. Is that Johnny Cash? What about Johnny Cash?" [00:15:30] (singing) She said, "okay. Let's keep stretching this." She'd keep just trying to make me do voices that were bizarre, and it opened it up.

Gail Davis: This would be a great SNL skit. You need to aim for that.

Jason Hewlett: Yes, maybe someday.

Gail Davis: You know, it reminds me of that one. I think it's Bruno Mars where he is being the music station where the stations are going to go together.

Jason Hewlett: Oh, the [crosstalk 00:15:59] radio?

Gail Davis: Yes.

Jason Hewlett: Right.

Gail Davis: [00:16:00] It's classic. It's so funny. You could do that. That was really entertaining. Thanks for sharing that.

Jason Hewlett: Of course. Thank you for asking.

Gail Davis: Do you have dance moves that go along with these impersonations when you do that?

Jason Hewlett: Oh, heck yes. Yes. I mean that's part of what makes it so unique. It's to see this middle-aged overweight bearded guy doing a moonwalk as Michael Jackson. People can't believe that I can move like I do. I mean it's just because I practiced [00:16:30] it for hours and hours and hours on end when I was a kid. Yes, lots of dancing. Obviously, as a Ricky Martin impersonator, I used to have to fit into those tight leather pants. That was 17 years ago, so it's not working anymore. It's more like Livin' La Vida cupcake now, but I mean it's the Muffin Top song. No, but I do do the dancing, yes. If I'm doing the Temptations, I'm doing all the Temptations, not just one, you know? [00:17:00] (singing) Everybody's going, "What the heck just happened?" I'm doing every move. It's fun.

Gail Davis: That's incredible. We're speechless. We don't know what to say.

Kyle Davis: I know that I'm great.

Jason Hewlett: Yes, [crosstalk 00:17:29] What [00:17:30] kind of podcast? We just invited on the weirdest of all our guests.

Kyle Davis: No, I like weird.

Gail Davis: No, it's awesome. I have a friend that does a radio show. He said, "You should bring music onto your show." It really break the entertainment level. I'm like, "Boy, when we decide to add music, we go five octaves. That's awesome.

Jason Hewlett: Yes, it does. Well, it's great to be with you guys.

Kyle Davis: As a mono-tonal person, I really ... [00:18:00] Five octaves is just ... That's ridiculous.

Gail Davis: That's ridiculous.

Kyle Davis: Good for you.

Gail Davis: It's awesome. Well, I love that you've tied the entertainment aspect to such an important issue that everyone is interested in which is engagement. I think that's really something that a lot of people are interested in, whether they're a small business owner or managing a large piece of an even larger corporation. We know that there's such a demand for talent. Once you find [00:18:30] talent, it seems like everybody wants to take them away. What are some of your key takeaways on employee engagement?

Jason Hewlett: Yes, most of the takeaway is really just what I said about the mentor side of Mrs. Hall seeing something in me. It's saying to yourself, "if this is truly some group that you work with that you feel is like your family, why don't you want your family to succeed on a personal level as well?" So often, we just stifle the talents [00:19:00] of those around us. We don't embrace them or accept them, their signature moves, if you will. I use an older example, and I should update it, but Michael Jordan was such a great example of this. You know, he could hit the shot every time to close the game and win it, but when I was a kid, he played against my Utah Jazz in the finals. One game, he came down, and we had expected him to shoot. Michael Jordan was the greatest player of all time. Everyone collapsed on him to [00:19:30] block his shot.

Well, he noticed that a guy named Steve Kerr was at the free throw line and wide open at the end of the game. Michael Jordan, instead of being the ball hog even though he was the leader, he became even a higher level of a leader by keeping a promise and passing it to the open man who was a 93% free shooter anyway. I mean he knew Steve Kerr was going to make the shot. He trusted him. Engagement is truly [00:20:00] what is your level of trust with those around you, whether it's with delegation, whether it's allowing them to engage in the conversation rather than you doing everything? The best teams and the best families are those that allow those that have great talents and skills to use theirs all around them.

Some of the takeaways would be, you know, a commitment to that promise of allowing others to do their job. What I found is pretty fascinating. A lot of CEOs, [00:20:30] a lot of sales people, these guys are doing way more than they should. They're cleaning the kitchen, cooking the food, you know, hosting where they do have assistants. They do have teams or families around them that they could utilize a lot more. Really, the promise is just to say, "Hey, what kind of promise can you make to yourself to utilize the strengths and talents of those around you?" That's a message that, for some reason, is not shared so much, because I think often, we're talking about what [00:21:00] are our weaknesses? What are we not good at? How do we fix that? I say, "Let's focus on the strength of the person, because everyone has their amazing strengths, their signature moves. How can we help them keep that promise?"

Kyle Davis: Yes, one of the things that I think of too that's like the converse to it, but it's related to what you just said was sometimes, you know, employers ask too much. You know, you go in there for one position, and then a month later, after starting, you're finding out that you're doing two or [00:21:30] three more things. You know, you're finding out that the promise wasn't necessarily kept by the employer because they're asking more of you than what you went in expecting, which is like a weird of saying, "If I want to succeed, just let me focus on the things that I'm good at and what you hired me for instead of these extra curricular," so to speak.

Jason Hewlett: Well, that's a perfect example, Kyle. Here's the reason why. I've seen employees that were hired to be the accountant. Eventually, they turn into the guy who's [00:22:00] also the sales guy, who also has to gather the details, who then becomes the receptionist. This is maybe potentially not the person you want as the face of the company when really, they should be crunching some numbers and doing their financial planning gifts, if you will. Yes, you're right. What the promise and this conversation that I start within these people is saying, "How can we open this up so that the person who is the employee can be able to say to the leader, [00:22:30] 'Hey, look. I have this one skillset. This is why you hired me. Let me do that job and let me be amazing at it. Let's find the right people in the right positions to fill these other needs.'" You're totally right. Great point.

Kyle Davis: Yes. One of the ... When I worked in Silicon Valley, one of the growth trends there was one, a lot of these companies were just filled with young people, you know? You had a 27-year-old Product Manager who's, you know, in control of a 500-million-dollar [00:23:00] revenue stream at some companies, right?

Jason Hewlett: Yes.

Kyle Davis: They literally just started what they were good at. Somewhere along the road, they ask for more, but they were never pushed to do something outside. They always had to ask for more in some other field or more responsibility to come their way. It was the ask. By asking, they're able to focus all of their energy on doing the fundamentals, maybe growing out the base just a little bit more, but you know, being able to do it confidently [00:23:30] with precession. I think that's one of the fascinating takeaways that you see with a lot of these companies today. It's that it's just laser focus and this laser growth in one particular category or field. There's not a lot of lateral movements even though there are. It's really honed and focused.

Jason Hewlett: Well, yes. There are opportunities everywhere for those things to go out of control, and it does. That's where businesses crash and burn so often, but when people find their spot, [00:24:00] when the leaders can say, "Hey, this is where you belong. I want you to do this." Be, essentially, the CEO of your position. Then, they take ownership of that, but it's because they're trusted by their leaders. Its because the leader engaged enough with them in an experience where they said, "Hey, look. I'm going to keep my promise to myself to do what I'm the best at, delegate to you to the things you're best at. We'll find others to fill in the gaps." Yes, that's where businesses really explode. It's exciting.

Kyle Davis: [00:24:30] Yes, you said it way better than I did plus with more brevity. Thank you.

Gail Davis: I bet he could sing it too.

Kyle Davis: I'm sure he can.

Jason Hewlett: Yes. What do you want me to say now?

Kyle Davis: Do we pay rights on this? That's one's going to ... Don't go over 15 seconds. I don't want to cut a check.

Gail Davis: Yes.

Jason Hewlett: 15 seconds, you're funny.

Gail Davis: Oh, that's awesome.

Kyle Davis: One of the stories that we've touched on, I believe earlier, was the whole Danny Gans going to Las [00:25:00] Vegas. You know, after you came back from your mission, we never really talked about that. I was just curious as to what led you to Vegas? What was that avenue over there? Obviously, we know what happened with the contract situation, but you know, how did you end up modeling your career and so on and so forth?

Jason Hewlett: Oh, well, really, when i came home from the mission, I was suggested to go to college and all those things you're supposed to do. I just went in my parent's basement and worked for about a year [00:25:30] on my act. I saw Danny Gans in Vegas. I said, "Okay, that's what I want to do and become, just like that guy." I pretty much mimicked the master, and I wrote about that in my book, Signature Moves, how to stand out in a sit down world. It's about mimicking masters is powerful because if we see somebody that we want to be like, that we can pattern a little bit after, it doesn't mean necessary to steal but it potentially just means to mimic, if you will and to try to be like them. Then, [00:26:00] stand on their shoulders with your signature moves. I created a show that was very much in the pattern of his, but then I added on top of it bizarre over the top comedy that ...

He was very funny, but mine was like Jim Carrey and Billy Joel added child. That's what somebody wants compared to, because I'm doing a Velociraptor jumping up the stage, chasing people around to all my funny faces to playing the piano [00:26:30] as Billy Joel with the harmonica. Stuff that, usually, you would see someone that could do one or two neat things. They do it over and over. I was doing really every arrow in the quiver. That led to this ability to have opportunities open up to me. Pretty soon, I was performing for billionaire's private parties because they were saying, "How do we find someone that's clean, that's not as expensive as Danny Gans, even though we can afford him? [00:27:00] How do we keep this guy working?" I was just passed around from Bill Gates to Charles Schwab. I mean you name it, I've performed for their, either private functions, birthday parties or for their companies. That's how it started. It was very rapid. That's how I got introduced to the casino opportunities. Obviously, when I didn't take those, I was a little bit blacklisted in that sector, so I turned to corporate.

[00:27:30] Corporate is the perfect place for me, because I'm a G-rated guy doing comedy and music that appeals to a huge swath of an audience. It's material that you could bring your kids to, and the grandparents won't be embarrassed by one thing that's happening. It's a very small niche that was created. I started to charge high fees fast. It eventually became this thing where clients and CEOs would come up to me and say, "Hey, look. [00:28:00] You've got a powerful message of leadership within what you're doing. You're teaching powerful presentation skills or these other concepts of engagement." That's how this all morphed into me being a keynoter who is entertaining rather than the entertainer who does a little message at the end to tie it together and justify a keynote slop.

Kyle Davis: The only F bombs you drop are fun bombs?

Gail Davis: That's [00:28:30] good, Kyle.

Jason Hewlett: Well, fat bombs. My wife's been making me the fat bombs for the ketogenic diet.

Kyle Davis: Okay, so let's just jump into this. We were talking about keto earlier. We're big fans of it. You're eating the fat bombs?

Jason Hewlett: Oh, yes. I love it, man. No, i probably ate too many yesterday.

Gail Davis: Okay, guys. I don't know what a fat bomb is.

Kyle Davis: There's an entire cookbook of it that you can buy. I don't personally ... I mean I get enough fat when I do it, but if you're running a deficit on the amount of fat that you need, and you [00:29:00] need a little pick-me-up and some energy, there's these recipes to make a fat bomb. Since you're eating that way and your wife is making them, please share with the audience. More importantly, my mom with a flap on it.

Jason Hewlett: I'll be honest. I wish I knew fully what it is. I mean I don't know. Maybe she's putting chocolate in it. I don't know, but what it is, I think, is coconut oil, almond butter, coconut flakes, some chia once in a while, she'll put some in there. Let's see. I think she [00:29:30] does some coco, so it tastes chocolatey. Oh, there's other stuff. I'm sure maybe MCT oil and stuff like that. It's awesome, and she freezes it. It's like my little ice cream opportunity.

Gail Davis: Oh, it sounds amazing. We've covered the gamut today.

Kyle Davis: I take exogenous ketones which are ... It's a powder thing, but it's bitter chocolate. It's like my fat bomb. I do it with MCT oil and coconut. [00:30:00] It's great.

Jason Hewlett: I love it.

Kyle Davis: I don't freeze it. Maybe I ...

Gail Davis: Well, you've got a new tip there. You got a new tip there. I have to-

Jason Hewlett: Well, here's the thing. I think we've accomplished the most over this complete spectrum of podcast in the history of podcasts here today. You guys are awesome. This is so funny. I love it.

Gail Davis: It has been a blast. I have to say, you know, we haven't yet started giving out awards, but you would have to get most entertaining. It has been a pleasure.

Jason Hewlett: Oh, I'm honored.

Kyle Davis: At the very least, by far, you've brought more voices [00:30:30] into this than many other people do.

Jason Hewlett: The tough part about doing all the voices is people go, "No, we don't want to hear yours. Do the other person." That's always been this weird thing where it's like, I talk about be yourself. Be who you are, but listen to this voice, you know? It's a funny way to teach.

Kyle Davis: Well, you know, like you said, you got to learn through your laughter, so keep it up.

Jason Hewlett: That's right.

Kyle Davis: Well, I think that's good point, like you said, for us to wrap. With that being [00:31:00] said, if you guys want to book Jason, you can do so by contacting GDA Speakers at 214 420 1999 or by going to gdaspeakers.com. If you want to see today's transcript, you can do so by going to gdapodcast.com where I will put up a link too, so you can buy Jason's book, Signature Moves. We'll have the entire transcript along with other fun stuff. Well, I'll put a keto fat bomb recipe on there for you, too. Why not?

Gail Davis: It's a promise, Kyle.

Kyle Davis: [00:31:30] It sure is.

Gail Davis: Thank you so much.

Jason Hewlett: You guys are awesome. Thanks for having me.

Kyle Davis: Thank you.

Creative Commons License
ep. 46 - Jason Hewlett: Speaker, Entertainer, Author, & Impressionist by GDA Podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
